Data Modeling & Analytics

Natimark’s Modeling and Analytical tools provide our customers with business intelligence that is easy to understand and apply, without a degree in statistics. From Customer Profiling to Predictive Modeling, with Geo-targeting and customer mapping included, our proprietary system delivers these results:

  • Improved targeting,
  • Increased conversions, and
  • Reduced direct marketing costs.

Predictive Modeling is used to predict behaviors simulated by a marketing contact using information available in your marketing database. Some basic applications include:

  • Best Customer – increase customer lifetime value by identifying who is the best customer and who has the most upside.
  • Customer Cloning – identify the traits of your top customers and find prospects that resemble them.
  • Lost Customers – regain customers whose patronage has dropped dramatically or totally lapsed.

Let our proprietary modeling technology identify your best prospects in a matter of minutes. Modeling gives you the ability to quickly identify and execute a highly targeted marketing campaign without knowing anything about modeling or analytics. We provide you with a scored (ranked) list of prospects that resembles your best customers; this list is ready to be utilized in your marketing campaigns.

What is your effective market reach – local, regional, national??

Once you’ve uploaded your customer data to our secure servers, you can use our mapping and modeling tools to:

  • Clearly see where your Customers are located,
  • Identify clusters of your Customers in certain neighborhoods or regions
  • Identify “pockets” of geography where you have very little or no penetration,
  • Decide if you should reorganize your sales force or your locations to better serve your customers or expand your business.

Up to 10,000 Records!


CALL NOW! 800-494-4533

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    Gain Insights on Your Customers

    With Natimark’s proprietary tools, you can generate reports to receive a detailed demographic summary of your customer and/or prospect lists. A Profile Report highlights the demographic make-up of your list. Learn how effectively you are penetrating your market by running a Market Penetration Report. You can easily compare two lists using the List Comparison Report. A user defined Crosstab Report will provide “sweet spots” for refining your targets.

    • Uncover hidden insights of you current customers,
    • Create of list of Look-A-Likes or “Clones” of your best Customers,
    • Quickly execute highly targeted campaigns with an improved ROI.

    Here are examples of some of the reports you can quickly create.


    We will work with you to build a data list of qualified lead prospects to target across channels in your upcoming marketing campaign.