Purchasing a data list of prospective clients is a great way to expand your reach! While we can provide you with the names, we can’t guarantee they will opt-in once you reach out. Our lists are targeted and can be sliced and diced by key metrics like age, nationality, income, etc. This allows you to make sure that the way you reach out to the potential customers is relevant.

We have been in the field a long time and wanted to share with you some of our recommendations for improving your opt-ins when you’re reaching out to prospective customers.

Make it Relevant: Don’t send people campaigns that don’t matter to them. In this day and age, people are inundated with communications and they’ll ignore anything that doesn’t pertain directly to them. One size fits all marketing and communications are no longer effective. Tailor your content to their needs, wants and demographics!

Make it Valuable: The internet has created a giant library for people to use at the touch of a button. If you’re giving them something, give them something that is of value that they can’t get anywhere else. Whether you’re sharing a free sample, some crucial information or any interesting content that’s not readily accessible, it will catch their eye quicker than something they can get on their own.

Make it Fun: People absolutely love to be entertained. You can log in to any social media site and within a few clicks or a scroll of the newsfeed find something that is engaging and fun to consume. If they can bank on you for interesting, fun content, you can bet that they will become a loyal follower. Entertaining people is a great way to get them in your corner!

Do you need help identifying your target clients and sourcing their contact information? We specialize in creating custom lists that hit all of your demographic needs.

Contact us today