The holy grail of marketing has long been the ability to identify individuals and speak to them on a “one to one” basis. And despite all the platitudes from experts, this still remains elusive to this day. The key to success is data integrity and a strategic marketing plan to capture additional data, on an individualized level, from a user’s behavior. We know it can be done. Amazon does it…Google does it…Apple does it.

Data Wrangling

The process begins with data with sound integrity. However, many marketers still wrestle with untamed data. It comes from a variety of sources, in a variety of formats, and there is often little consistency from dataset to dataset. What marketers need to do is start with the basics (name, email, maybe phone), which all data has, append that data with high quality information if possible, then begin to run online campaigns to systematically build key information about each prospect.

Once there is a fairly clean set of data it must be segmented. This may involve some internal soul-searching to really understand a company’s customers, but the effort is well worth it. Once initial segmentation is complete, the next step is to simply ask customers, typically via email, where they fit. If they don’t fit, let them tell you; you may find new segments.

Next, employ content marketing to engage prospects and allow them to further segment themselves based on their behavior; which eBooks did they download? Which videos did they watch? At each step, log the behavior. The user’s actions will result in a dataset that can be finely segmented, based on behavior, not esoteric questions.

Natimark can help you understand your marketing landscape, customer profiles and reach, which allows you to create more informed and effective marketing plans.

Once the data is in place, campaigns can be undertaken to achieve increased conversions, turning prospects into high value customers.

Natimark is the leader in the field of data compilation and analytics. They continually review their data sources to make sure they are the most accurate and comprehensive in the data industry. This, combined with their competitive pricing, make data from Natimark a sound investment. Contact Natimark today.