SMS Marketing is a fairly new type of mobile marketing that uses Short Message Service text messaging as a form of direct advertising, and it is usually directed to a company’s existing customer base. A typical SMS marketing campaign involves collecting mobile phone numbers, usually by customer opt-ins using a keyword sent to a short code, which adds their number to a messaging database. Once the numbers are collected, the marketer can easily design and create a series of promotional coupons and offers to send as one mass message to their customers. Although SMS Marketing is considered a trusted form of advertising, some marketers have used it as a channel for spamming. The Mobile Marketing Association however does have set guidelines that prevent spamming and using purchased lists of mobile phone numbers. It is advised to only send SMS text promotions to opt-in only subscribers who have given their consent to receive messages from you if you want to earn and gain their trust.

SMS Marketing is one of the newest and fastest growing types of marketing because if offers a low cost, high return on your investment; plus your target audience receives your valuable incentives, promotions and updates in real time. It is similar to email in cost, but offers much higher response rates as most mobile phone users open and view text messages no matter where they are and no matter what they are doing. Any business can benefit from text marketing offering a discount coupon to national brands engaging millions of customers. Studies have shown that mobile users like text messaging and as high as 95% of all texts are usually opened within five minutes, which is faster than email and other social media updates.

Visit for a customized SMS marketing campaign that will help you reach and engage an existing and potential customer base.