The spring is the perfect time to hit the refresh button – whether it’s at home or at work, the new life outside can inspire us to inject some new life into our day-to-day lives as well. One of the things that can benefit from a spring refresh is your company’s marketing strategy. For many businesses Q2 and Q3 are the peak sales periods – this is where you do the majority of your business. Knowing this, we wanted to share a few strategies to help you jumpstart your efforts to make this your best year yet.

Get Focused – knowing your audience is half the battle. In the case of direct marketing, less can be more. Rather than just buying a list of names and sending mass communications, identifying target markets can have a much greater return. Not only does it save you money, it also improves the return on your investment. Our consumer database leverages selects that will help you identify the right customers for your market!

Personalize It – the volume of communication that comes to people on a daily basis is overwhelming. How many of us have received an email or piece of mail, opened it, noticed it was generic and immediately disregarded it without even reading it? Probably every single person reading this. SO how do you up the chances that your communication is consumed in this age of information? Give your communications that personal touch!

Be Specific – Generic messaging, much like generic communication, often gets overlooked. As we mentioned, our consumption is so high that unless it is relevant or interesting, it’s often discarded. When you get specific with your messaging, you engage your prospective customers more effectively.

Want to get started on these initiatives? Natimark can help! Contact us today Contact us today for a consultation!